Etaoin! Shrdlu! Cmfwyp!

Welcome to my website- I go by Keith, sometimes Riley, or often online, Pokemonprime. My site URL, and the yelling above, are in reference to etaoin shrdlu, an old filler text to demarcate messed up lines of type. I chose it for my website title, because this place is a collection of a whole lot of random stuff, and also I'm bad at making my own names, so I sto- borrowed, borrowed one from history. Below will be links to various other works on this site, and my profiles on other websites (the ones that still exist as of mid 2024).

Main Pages

Cohost - 50% EGG, 50% BUG
Twitter (if I ever call it 'X' I have been replaced with a clone)
Storefront Guide!
Magazine Scans
Forgotten Towns
My photos in 'the wild'
Location Tables
The Wastes (Depreciated content I'm no longer happy with)